Chiropractic treatment uses manual manipulation of the spine to correct misaligned vertebrae (called vertebral subluxations). This reduces pressure on nerve tissue and allows the spinal cord to function normally again.
Pet chiropractors assess and adjust the neuro-musculoskeletal system of your pet during each appointment. This includes how your pet stands, moves, sits, turns, and lays down. Click to learn more.

Many pet owners request veterinary massage and chiropractic treatments for their pets due to the positive results they have experienced themselves. The improved circulation triggered by the manipulation techniques of the pet chiropractor increases the speed at which healing nutrients are delivered to your dog’s tissues. This can dramatically reduce the time your dog’s condition takes to recover and may lead to a lower dependency on painkillers and other medications.
The increased mobility triggered by chiropractic adjustments can help your pet’s body better manage pain, stiffness, and other musculoskeletal issues. This can allow your pet to be more active, play more, and enjoy their favorite activities without discomfort or pain. This can be particularly beneficial for older or senior cats and dogs with aches and pains from degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis.
Whether your pet is a couch potato or an agility champion, good mobility is key to an enjoyable quality of life. Regular sessions with a certified animal chiropractor can improve your pet’s flexibility and range of motion, helping them to feel more energetic, happy, and healthy.
In addition to musculoskeletal conditions, chiropractic adjustments can help with nerve and autonomic nervous system problems like urinary or fecal incontinence, separation anxiety, skin diseases such as lick granulomas, and sleeping problems. Your vet can help you decide whether or not this alternative treatment is right for your pet.
It is important to remember that chiropractic is a complementary therapy, not a replacement for traditional medical care. This drugless and natural treatment option can be used in conjunction with other therapies, including physical therapy or surgery, to help decrease your dog’s pain levels.
A specialized animal chiropractor is trained to manipulate your pet’s spine and joints to correct misalignments, relieve pain, and improve their mobility and range of motion. The animal chiropractor will also be able to provide you with helpful advice on additional physiotherapy exercises that you can perform with your pet at home to maximize the benefits of chiropractic treatment.
If your pet is dealing with pain or stiffness, it will be less active and may act out. Using pet chiropractic to reset their nervous system, relax their muscles, and adjust their bones and joints can help alleviate discomfort and behavioral problems that often result from pain or stiffness.
The most common reason pets see a chiropractor is for herniated discs in the spine. However, many other conditions like lick granulomas and anxiety can be helped by regular adjustments as well. The main body system treated by pet chiropractors is the neuro-musculoskeletal system, a combination of the nervous, muscle, and skeletal systems. Pets predisposed to IVDD, like Dachshunds and Corgis, can benefit from regular evaluation as a puppy so their herniated discs can be prevented from developing in the first place.
During a chiropractic session, the veterinary chiropractor will assess your dog’s posture, movement, movement patterns, and more to determine any imbalances. Then, they will perform a joint adjustment, which involves applying quick and gentle thrusts to the affected joint to improve its movement. This improves the alignment of the joint and stimulates the release of feel-good hormones in the brain to help with pain reduction and recovery.
A chiropractor will also work through the entire leg, starting at the femur or thigh bone and ending at the toes, to ensure every joint is moving correctly and not causing any strain on the muscles or nerves. This is a great way to ease the stress of arthritis and help your pet to move around freely.
In addition, the improved circulation during chiropractic treatment helps deliver healing nutrients to the affected area, which will speed up the recovery rate. This can be especially helpful for dogs who have suffered from an injury or surgery.
Seeing a pet chiropractor can benefit all types of pets regardless of age or health status. However, it’s important to remember that they can’t replace the services provided by a veterinarian. Your pet should continue to visit their vet regularly to get their bloodwork checked and x-rays done and ensure they are healthy and happy.
Pets with spinal anomalies or biomechanical musculoskeletal disorders can benefit from chiropractic manipulation. These treatments involve low-force manual spinal column and joint manipulation to improve alignment, relieve pain, and stimulate healing.
The improved circulation triggered by these treatments increases the delivery of healing nutrients to the affected areas of your pet’s body. This speeds up the rate at which the body can repair damaged tissues and muscles and even help your pet regain mobility that may have been lost due to injury or illness.
You might be alarmed by the cracking and popping sounds your pet makes during a chiropractic adjustment, but these sounds are good. They signal that the treated joint has loosened up and is returning to its correct position. This helps to restore proper alignment, reduces pain and stiffness, and improves the pet’s mobility.
Dogs who lead sedentary lifestyles can also benefit from these treatments. They will be able to move around more easily, which can help them feel healthier and happier. Similarly, dogs who live active lifestyles like agility or performance dogs can get a fresh burst of energy with these adjustments, improving their ability to perform.
Another benefit of these treatments is that they decrease the need for medication. Spinal manipulation can help relax and release natural endorphins, which can help reduce the amount of painkillers needed by an animal. This is particularly true in older pets with conditions such as arthritis.
A veterinarian can evaluate your pet to see if this treatment suits them. She can tell if your pet’s issue is due to an accident or if it is a condition that can be helped by chiropractic manipulation. She can also advise you on other types of holistic treatments your pet might benefit from, including massage therapy, homeopathy, calming flower essences like Rescue Remedy drops, and acupuncture. This will help to complement the care your vet provides for your pet.
During chiropractic therapy, the spinal adjustments reposition and realign the vertebrae, which can relieve inflammation in your dog’s muscles, ligaments, and joints. Reduced swelling helps your dog feel more comfortable and allows healing nutrients to reach the injured areas faster.
Pet chiropractors are often sought by pet parents who want to offer alternatives to pharmaceuticals for their dog’s health issues. They can work with your veterinarian, giving your pet a more holistic treatment plan for long-term results. Alternative therapies include massage, acupuncture, Chinese medicines and herbs, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and chiropractic.
A recent study on dogs with spondylosis (a condition characterized by the degeneration of spinal joints) found that chiropractic care significantly slowed the progression of the disease when compared to non-treated dogs. This is because spinal manipulations can improve the mobility of the affected joint, preventing cartilage damage and reducing the time it takes for the damaged tissue to heal.
Improving the spine’s movement and alignment also helps reduce arthritic pain and stiffness in dogs. This enables your pet to move around more easily, making getting up and down the stairs or jumping onto the couch easier. It also reduces the stress on other joints, allowing them to function at their best.
In addition to helping your pet move better, chiropractic treatments can reduce musculoskeletal problems such as joint pain and stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, hot paw spots, and lick granulomas. It can also help with urinary and fecal incontinence and some behavioral problems like anxiety and separation anxiety.
Selecting a qualified practitioner who uses gentle techniques and has experience treating dogs is important. Veterinary consultation is always required before beginning chiropractic therapy to ensure that your pet has no underlying health conditions that would prevent or limit their benefits from treatment. It’s also a good idea to schedule regular follow-up appointments and to stay in communication with your practitioner, noting any changes in your furry friend’s health or behavior.